We could have spent all summer sitting here making daisychains

Syairah's new profile pic and the reference to one of my drawings. That's upside down syai through the glass Sarah is holding onto to let me take a photo of it while linette's gettnig high with my coke.
How many times have I mentioned "art" these few weeks? Anyway, that's like the coolest piece of glass ever, the few of us had a whale of a time with it. Straight-shank glass they call it.
Syairah's new profile pic and the reference to one of my drawings. That's upside down syai through the glass Sarah is holding onto to let me take a photo of it while linette's gettnig high with my coke.
How many times have I mentioned "art" these few weeks? Anyway, that's like the coolest piece of glass ever, the few of us had a whale of a time with it. Straight-shank glass they call it.
I predict my period's coming soon cause I allowed myself to look sad/pissed today. It was actually more of stress, and something happened after geog today cause I was EXTREMELY frustrated with myself for falling asleep so often. My brain isn't even functioning. Miss Teo was being really nice and helped me plan my time. Plus she lent me her books and offered to give me consultation tomorrow, so I better stay awake!
Was supposed to study geog right after art but art got dragged on for hours till 9, that's why I was feeling so irritated. I'm soo tired right now cause I only slept an hour last night and its been like that for the past 1+ week. Everything's in a mess, I don't know if I should break the cycle by studying more first, or sleeping more.
There are post-it notes on my pencil case that say "EMMA DON'T SLEEP ALREADY!!!" So okay, I will still sleep late tonight cause I wanna study for geog and not let ms teo down. I'll drown myself in caffeine tomorrow.
So I slept at 2 and woke up at 6 in the end. & you know what, I really ought to run away I'm beginning to wonder if its only my imagination or that things are seriously turning bad. Geography for now, screw everything else. Here's a song to make things better.
Take a sad song, and make it betterrrr. Hey Jude doesn't remind me of anything nice either. Dammit. Thoughts can be so annoying!
Okay anyway, back to the song.
Youth group - Daisychains
Quite into Kings of Convenience, Youth group & DCFC these days.
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